Well after many years in the service of our country, working as an electronics engineer in the broadcast industry, enviromental engineer and started playing with computers. I finished my career as an IT Manager and hobbied in web hosting.

Today, I spend my time trying to reflect on life from a spiritual and emotional point of view. Seems my leadership training had placed me in many leadership roles both in the military and civilian sector throughout my life. People saw more in me than I saw in myself.

My metamorphisis took me in so many different directions than I ever dreamed of as I traveled my life long journey. Sometimes with outcomes surprising to even me.

I always worked hard from a young age all the way through adulthood and now being home every day seems like a long deserved vacation, but not how I expected.

I pictured my later years running and having fun camping, seeing things around the country, but got fooled by limited mobility by an act of the military.

Strange how life can throw odd curves to you.
